The Bander's Code of Ethics

The Bander's Code of Ethics

More than anything else, banders are responsible for the safety and welfare of the birds they study. This means that stress and risks of injury or death need to be minimized. Some basic rules are as follows.
Molly Garson
Etiquetados: Knowledge Base Resources
Methods for Proper Mist Net Handling and Storage

Métodos para la manipulación y el almacenamiento adecuados de las redes de niebla

Uso correcto de la red de niebla 101: colocación, cierre, retirada de la red y consejos de almacenamiento.
Molly Garson
Ageing North American Landbirds by Molt Limits and Plumage Criteria

Ageing North American Landbirds by Molt Limits and Plumage Criteria

This photo guide accompanies Pyle Guide Part 1, and is extremely helpful as a visual aid in identification of molt limits and plumage patterns.
Molly Garson
Michigan Banding with Rich Keith: Banding Tips and Plier Use

Michigan Banding with Rich Keith: Banding Tips and Plier Use

Rich Keith discusses a brief history of bird banding, the different sizes of bands, and how to use and care for your banding pliers.
Molly Garson
Etiquetados: Knowledge Base Resources